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Qdrop 1911 Time difference between these two tweets is 19:11 Qdrop 1911 Timestamp and gap code Time difference between these two tweets is 19:11 Qdrop 1911 🇺🇸 Timestamp and gap code 🇺🇸 https://t.co/WmmlOyRNGO pic.twitter.com/jGHQCoZHH7— Beautiful Day Patriots United (@Gregham47472271) October 29, 2019 2019. 10. 30.
콜린티아 호텔 corinthia hoter 콜린티아 호텔 corinthia hoterQdrop 2019. 10. 25.
연준 금본위 자료 모음 물위로 띄우고있는 근본위제도 중앙 은행시스템의 종말이 다가오고 있고, 애국자들에 의해서 「계획 1991a 」는 가속화 되고 있습니다.트럼프의 무역협정 재조정, 규제 철폐, 세금 삭감,등은 글로벌리스트의 아젠다를 제거하고 있습니다. X22 Report: Episode 1991 – Central Bank System Ending, Harvest Confirmed – October 10, 2019자료 원본 사이트 참조 : https://freedomforhumanity2016.wordpress.com/2019/10/10/video-x22-report-episode-1991-central-bank-system-ending-harvest-confirmed-october-10-2019/amp/?__twitter_i.. 2019. 10. 22.
Map 317 🔑 Map 317 key.drop67, drop1066, drop1517, drop160 DOJ Tweet Syncs to Map 317 🔑 “The Department of Justice will not stand for exploitation of our nation’s children. Let today’s announcement send a message: if you are involved in crimes of this nature, we are coming for you. pic.twitter.com/MYTFbSt3Hc— Red Pill Dealer🍀🇮🇪🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐ (@hmcd123) October 21, 2019 Qdrop 2019. 10. 21.
QMAP 사이트 정리 QMAP 사이트 정리 1. QMAP : https://qmap.pub 2. Q Alerts Home : https://qalerts.app/posts/ 3 Qanon.pub : https://qanon.pub/ Official Links 트럼프 대통령 트위터 : Donald J. Trump https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump 미국 백악관 The White House 트위터 : https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse 유튜브 The White House : https://www.youtube.com/user/whitehouse/videos White House : Executive Orders JFK Papers : Government Archives CIA us.. 2019. 10. 20.